A Guide to Understanding and Challenging Your Biases

Being biased isn’t necessarily a bad thing; it just means that you have pre-existing ideas and beliefs about certain topics or people. Even the most open-minded people are biased because of their upbringing, personal experiences, and exposure to different media. We all have our own personal opinions on things like politics, religion, or social issues, which are normal and okay! However, this can become a problem when these biases prevent you from seeing other points of view. When your beliefs about something are influenced by your personal feelings rather than facts and logic, that’s when bias comes in. Being biased usually means that you are having positive feelings about one thing while also feeling negative about another thing. You may not see it as being biased, but it definitely is.

Bias is natural. It’s a normal part of being human.

Remember, nobody is completely objective! When you are looking at things, you are always going to interpret them through your own lens and bias. That’s just how it works! This doesn’t mean that you are a bad person or you may not have your own opinions. In fact, it’s the opposite! You should have your own opinions on things because it makes you an active member of society. Biases are just something you need to be aware of so you can make sure you aren’t letting them negatively affect your life and decisions.

What is a bias?

A bias is your pre-existing idea or belief about something. It is when your feelings about something are affecting your judgment and causing you to draw conclusions that are not supported by facts or logic. Bias can happen in any situation where there are a lot of different factors at play. For example, let’s say you are dating someone. You might be more likely to believe them when they say they have been faithful to you because you have positive feelings towards them. Alternatively, you may have negative feelings towards someone you had a fight with and be less likely to believe what they say because of that.

Learn to recognize your own biases.

It can be hard to recognize your own biases, but the more you are aware of your feelings toward specific people or topics, the easier it will be to recognize when you are biased towards them. When you are reading or engaging with media and news, try to be mindful of how it is making you feel and how that is affecting your thoughts and opinions. One way to do this is to write your feelings after reading or watching something. This is a great way to put your feelings into words and make yourself more aware of them.

Realize the different biases.

There are many types of biases that you may experience in your day-to-day life. Here are just a few that you may have heard of or experienced yourself: – Confirmation bias: When you have a pre-existing bias, you are more likely to look for things that confirm that bias. This can cause you to ignore facts and evidence that go against your pre-existing beliefs. – Selective bias: This is when you have a bias towards something, but you only let good examples of it be known. For example, if you are only showing your friends pictures of your happy memories with your partner, but not the ones where they acted poorly, you are being selective with the information you share. – Selective blindness: This is when you have a bias towards something but you ignore things that go against your beliefs. This can lead you to ignore facts and evidence that would go against your pre-existing beliefs. Selective blindness can be because of confirmation bias and selective bias. – Stereotyping: This is when you are predicting someone’s future based on their past, shared experience, or appearance. This can cause you to make assumptions about a person that may not be true and be harmful to them.

Challenge yourself to find evidence that proves you wrong.

One great way to combat your own biases is by challenging yourself to find evidence that proves you are wrong. One way to do this is to mock debates where you and a friend disagree on a topic. For example, let’s say you and your friend disagree on whether vaccinations are safe. Rather than telling each other why you are right and the other person is wrong, have each of you write what you feel are the best points in your own argument. Then, have each person read the other person’s arguments and write what evidence they would use to disprove those points. This will help you see the other person’s side more clearly. It will also help you more clearly see the holes in your own argument so you can more accurately address them in the future.

Ask questions and seek opposing viewpoints.

Another great way to challenge your own biases is by asking questions and seeking opposing viewpoints. When you are looking for opposing viewpoints, you want to make sure you are getting them from a credible source. For example, if you are against vaccinations, you can search online for forums where people who are to support vaccinations are sharing their opinions and asking questions. However, you should be sure to do your research and stay away from forums that have a lot of hateful speech and misinformation.

Don’t judge too quickly.

When you are engaging with different people and ideas, it’s important not to jump to conclusions too quickly. This is especially important if you are dealing with people you don’t know personally. Not that you should take everything people say at face value; you definitely shouldn’t do that! However, you should be sure to have an open mind and make sure not to immediately shut down other points of view before you examine them.


Biases are normal parts of being human. The key is to make sure that you are aware of your biases and that they are not negatively affecting your decision-making and choices. A lack of information often causes bias, so the best way to overcome it is to challenge your own beliefs and actively seek opposing points of view. Now that you know what bias is, how it affects your life, and how you can challenge it, you can make sure that you are being an active and open-minded member of society.

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