Judging: It’s Good and Bad. Read This to Understand Why

We are all judgmental at some point in our lives. It’s just human nature not to like other people for their quirks and oddities, but that doesn’t make it right. We all have our own opinions about the world around us, but that shouldn’t stop you from accepting other people for who they are. You don’t know what challenges they might be facing or what hardships they might have had to endure just to get where they are today. People aren’t perfect and we all have our flaws, but instead of judging them on these things, we should try to see past it and look at the better parts of who they are as a person. Think about it; wouldn’t the world be a much nicer place if we were all a little more understanding? Not only will being more open-minded towards others help you see past their looks, but it will also make you a happier person too. Here are some ways to become less judgmental towards others:

Give people a chance

We all have our own preferences when it comes to who we like and who we don’t, but, sadly, that doesn’t mean that we can be picky in real life. The only person you can truly choose to be with is yourself, but in order to do that, let others in. If you’re too busy shutting everyone out, you’ll have no one to truly be there for you when you need them. To let people in, give them a chance. You don’t have to give everyone a fair chance; if there are some people you just can’t stand or don’t vibe with, then that’s perfectly fine. But you should try to let people in and give them a chance to prove themselves to you. Give everyone a fair chance and they will appreciate it a lot more than if you just ignore them completely.

Let go of your preconceived notions

Everyone has their own opinions and ways of doing things, so don’t be so quick to judge someone just because they do things differently than you. Not every single person in the world has the same values as you, but that doesn’t mean that they’re bad people. Everyone is different, but that doesn’t mean they’re wrong. For example, lots of people might have a certain way of dressing that is typical of the environment they work in, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t want to dress differently outside of work hours. That’s just how they are, but if you’re too quick to judge, you might not see that. Let go of your preconceived notions and don’t be so quick to judge. Give someone a chance to show you who they really are.

Help others and be kind to them

You might not realize it, but every single person on this planet has been through something in their life. At some point, everyone has been hurt, and that’s why it’s so important to be kind to others. When you’re kind to others, you’re helping them to build their confidence and lift them up when they’re feeling low. When you’re kind to others, you’re being a true friend and showing them that we appreciate them. No one is perfect and everyone has their struggles, so don’t be so quick to judge someone based on what they look like.

Help those who need it most

In some circumstances, you might come across someone who truly needs your help. Maybe they’re struggling financially, or maybe they’re too shy to make new friends, but no matter what the situation, you should always lend a helping hand where you can. When someone needs help, you don’t want to be too quick to judge them based on their appearance. Instead, help them get past whatever is holding them back and make their life a little easier.

Remember that everyone is fighting their own battles

Everyone has their own battles to fight, but that doesn’t mean that you should judge them for it. Every single person is fighting their own battles, but that doesn’t mean that they have to take it out on others. Everyone is fighting their own personal wars and they don’t always have the energy to fight others, too. When others judge you, you can’t let it get to you. When others are judging you, they might not even realize what they’re doing, so don’t let it get to you. Let them judge and continue fighting your battles.


We are all judgmental in our lives. It’s just human nature not to like other people for their quirks and oddities, but that doesn’t make it right. We all have our own opinions about the world, but that shouldn’t stop you from accepting other people for who they are. You don’t know what challenges they might face or what hardships they might have had to endure just to get where they are today. And now that you know how to become less judgmental towards others, it’s time to put your knowledge into practice. The world will be a better place when we are all less judgmental, so why don’t you start today?

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Signing off,

Life Coach Nancy

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